Thursday, January 8, 2009

Von Schenk

So this is the first post of the New Year. Its going to be a crazy and exciting one. New Years are great because it commonly unites humanity in their stages of reminiscence over the past and commitments to hopeful futures. Its just a cool bond that humans share, which are seemingly rarer and rarer these days.

I just got back from seeing the movie Valkyrie staring Tom Cruise. What is so incredible about this movie is that i am related to Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. He is, by marriage, my Grandfather's second cousin. Which means that his wife, has the same blood as i do. That is encouraging. No, more than that, it is inspiring and moving. To think that i have the same blood coursing through my veins as those who supported and stood against one of the most tyrannous and atrocious evils ever existing in human history, moves my soul.

Recently i was spending time with my Grandma, i realized how humble she is and how her honest and servant heart shines even in her old age. I see how that has been passed down to my Dad, and to me.

So in the recent viewing of Valkyrie, and in her speaking, i feel as if it is no accident that i have this increasing desire to stand for justice, and be a courageous warrior - of sorts - for God's kingdom. This will stay with me for a while. The legacies left before me are the legacies running through me. These legs will probably walk oversees, and who knows what legacies will be left by my footprints.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog but now that I do I will be a follower! You guys are such a blessing to me and I love your insight! Have an amazing Year!
    mama Pecos
