I want this to be a constant thought in 2011.
"Does my presence do any good here?
Contact with the natives helps to lessen the feelings of strangeness, tames them, and slowly makes taboos and prejudices disappear.
It is very slow, a very little thing.
It is painful to see the reign of evil all around,
the lack of good,
the enemies of the lord so very enterprising,
the faltering of friends,
to see oneself so miserable even after so many blessings.
However, one should not be sad
but should look above it all to our beloved Lord.
For it is Him we love not ourselves, and it is His good that concerns us.
Hope is a duty -
charity hopes for all -
hope is but faith in the goodness of God.
He is good and all-powerful.
Unquestionably, he leaves us free,
and often we use our freedom,
lamentably, but while leaving us free,
he still remains master
and can at his will send a grace
so powerful that is overwhelms everything,
transform everything.
He has already done enough for us to make us believe in his love...
There are difficulties on all sides at all times."
November 18th, 1907
-Charles de Foucauld
(spacing by me)